Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BakerBots. Big information. Small portions.

Two questions. Two of the best shortcuts to the truth I know.

First one is from Kevin Murnane, Founder at Behtrics/Limitless Leadership Consulting and Northwestern Adjunct Professor. When you're thinking about goals, don't ask, "What I am willing to give up to reach my goal?" But ask "What am I not willing to give up to reach my goal?" It's the royal road to priorities.

Second one is from Marty Baker. Don't ask "How can I help you succeed?" Instead, ask "How can I help you fail today?" It gets right to the obstacles to achieving an objective. It short circuits the subconscious filters and allows people to get to the truth of what they really need. For details: http://tinyurl.com/5vhfao

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